Logioti Maria

Supervisor:  Evaggelia Kalerante

Title: Museum spaces as educational, political, cultural, mediating structures in multicultural societies: From the political institutional discourse to the applied educational culture of social integration

Three-member advisory comitee:

  1. Evaggelia Kalerante
  2. Nikolaos Fotopoulos
  3. Vassiliki Pliogkou


The aim of the preparation of this PhD thesis proposal is the mapping of current practices in the field of museum learning, a learning that takes place regardless of education levels, the research around the museum learning environment and the educational policy followed by cultural organizations. A cornerstone of the research is the study of museum educational policy through institutional texts and legislation, as well as targeted research into the educational policy defined by Greek museums in the texts of their statutes and missions. An important role in this research will be the special study of educational practices that contribute to the social inclusion and integration of people from different cultural environments.

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