Design Principlces of the Study Program

The formation of the revised undergraduate programme of the Department of Early Childhood Education, i.e. the selection of cognitive subjects, the determination of the content of the courses and the ratio of the various categories, as well as the position of the undergraduate training, was based on:

The necessity of ensuring both the scientific and professional traits of the graduates of the Department, so that they are able to:

  • Monitor the development of education sciences
  • Conduct independent research, in order to produce new knowledge on teaching and learning issues
  • Fulfill responsibly and successfully their pedagogical – teaching work.

Thus, the course of study aims to enable graduates of the department to act as critical teachers and as scientists, with the aim of continuously improving their work. This is achieved through compulsory core courses but also with the ability to choose and deepen in the cognitive areas and subjects based on their personal and academic interests and inclinations, as well as future professional and scientific developments.

© 2016