Supervisor: Konstantinos Ntinas
Title: Compatibility between melody and word in the composition of Matthew Vatopedinos -The educational dimension of his composing art
Three-member advisory comitee:
1) Konstantinos Ntinas
2) Michael Stroumpakis
3) Triantafyllos Kotopoulos
This project deals with the theme of the dipole of the language and its musical score. It will focus on two sectors. The first one concerns the presentation of the way of correlation of the two basic elements of hymnography, the word and the music, with the aim to comprehend music as a whole unity. Each word in hymnography sounds in a way that it conveys the meaning with dynamics and perspective. The setting of music kata ta noymena of Matthew Vatopedinos has a specific and major importance. And this is because he sets the music to the words with a sensorial criterion of both their theological value within the hymn and their literature. The second sector concerns the educational dimension of the musical skills of Matthew, through the coupling of the composition styles of the past years. The transcribing on the part of the composer of the oral performances of the melodies and their variations consists a severe indicator of literacy. Through the study and the elevation of the relation with transcribers and musicians both within and outside Mount Athos we will also try to display the possible benefit that this composing trend has in the new musical, educational and composing reality.