Tsoni Fotini

Supervisor: Stephanou Georgia

Title: The relationship between achievement  goals and their effect on self-regulation and academic achievement.

Three-member advisory comitee:

1) Stephanou Georgia
2) Andreou Eleni
3) Moraitou Despina


The aim of this study is to link Positive Psychology with motivational strategies during the educational process so that students are able to regulate their learning process and their achievement by understanding an utilizing their emotion and strengths of character, in order to develop skills which help them cope with difficulties during the educational process and generally in their lives. Furthermore, by implementing a teaching approach that emphasize to reinforce positive factors such us resilience, life meaning, self-compassion and savoring, students will develop strategies that lead then to better academic achievement. To achieve this goal three surveys were carried out, which were completed with the writing an publication of three articles.

The first research concerns the control of the qualities of psychometric tools (Resilince Scale, Life Orientation Scale, Self-Compassion Scale and Savoring Scale) in Greek primary school population. The purpose of the research was to create a valid and reliable psychometric tool. In addition, were measured and compared the levels of resilience, life-orientation , self- compassion and savoring in primary school population. The second research concerns measures of resilience, life-orientation , self- compassion and savoring levels and the relation with achievement emotions and strengths of character. Moreover, was examined the affect of the above in self-regulation of learning, coping and school performance. In this research were compared the results on the basis of age and school grade. The third research concerns the creation of intervention program to enhance recilience, meaning of life, self- compassion and savoring, in order to examine their impact on self-regulation of learning, coping, an school performance. This program involves lesson plans that were created with different goals in order to add positive factors in teaching process.

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