Undergraduate studies in the Department of Early Childhood Education:
- 4 year Bachelor’s degree
Student’s Guide
Postgraduate Studies:
Master’s Degree in:
- Creative Writing: http://blogs.uowm.gr/dim-grafi/
- Educational Studies: Teaching Modern Greek Language: http://blogs.uowm.gr/tmgl/
- Educational Sciences: Science, Environment and Technology in Education: http://www.fepms.edu.uowm.gr/
- Public Discourse and Digital Media: http://blogs.uowm.gr/pddm/2020/
- Rhetoric, Humanities and Education: http://pms-ritorikis.uowm.gr
PhD degree
The Department awards also a Ph.D degree. Distinctive holders of an MA degree from the Department of Early Childhood Education or from other University Departments in Greece or abroad are enrolled as candidates. For every Ph.D student, the postgraduate committee appoints a three-member committee with one principal and two secondary supervisors whose research interests are within the area of the candidates’ research project. Students are obliged to submit their thesis within ten (10) semesters after the date of registration. Otherwise they are dismissed from the programme.