Supervisor: Evaggelia Kalerante
Title: Dimensions of social gender in the textual-political discourse of LGBTQI+ community publications (1974-2020).
Three-member advisory comitee:
1) Evaggelia Kalerante
2) Georgios Tzartzas
3) Vasiliki Pliogou
The concept of gender was born in 1955 by sexologist John Money, in an attempt to separate it from biological sex. Since then, this idea has spread in parallel with the spread of feminism, which incorporated in its ideology a clear distinction between the two. Breaking away from the elite of academic discourse, the aim of this research is to prove the value of references of gender vs biological sex by the LOATKI+ community. The study focuses mainly on presenting the way in which gender is represented through publications published by advocacy groups. However, the purpose of the researcher is multiple. Firstly, the way of writing articles in magazines and who are these magazines addressed to will be examined. Secondly, light will be shed on the current legislation and policy. Finally, an attempt will be made to determine whether publications in magazines can affect educational issues and to what extent and to report cases of gender-based student bullying. Towards this direction will be collected from Greek journals referring to non-formal education, which nevertheless have the power to intervene in the formal educational system as this has already been proved in the international environment, where corresponding magazines have functioned and continue to function as agents of pressure for changes and in some cases have brought about innovations in education.